Genesis Universe


Genesis Universe is a metaverse exploration game based on ancient mythologies, the explorations, and the struggles in the new world by ancient mythical characters from all over the world, made possible with Binance Smart Chain (BSC). You will have to select a faction to play the game.

By offering the NPC in the faction proper materials, the NPC will spawn a hero that adapts to the new world and battles. The Hero Card NFT and tokens obtained will be deposited to Wallet as on-chain assets.

In Genesis Universe, you can obtain a variety of different hero cards by drawing or trading, to fight battles in this new world, and win rewards. The value system of Genesis Universe is controlled by you, for you can trade in-game assets at any time and exchange them with digital currencies.

Genres / features



Web Connection

Languages Supported

  • Audio: English

  • Text: English

Not Rated

This blockchain game is not yet rated

In-game purchases

Base Game

Release Date2023-03-01