Privacy Policy

This privacy policy ("Policy") informs you of your choices and our practices in relation to your information (as defined below). For the purposes of this policy, "we," "us," and "our" refers to "Metacade," a branding style of Luxe Media LLC, 3301 Chetumal Street, Belize City, Belize. Registration IFSC/200LLC 1470/22)


Our services are not available for use by children and are intended for persons over the age of 18 years old and 21 years old in some jurisdictions. Please refer to your country's laws in accordance with age*appropriate guidance.

To comply with the current 'UK Data Protection Act' for Children, specifically the Age Appropriate Design Code (also known as the Children's Act), risks have been assessed. More information can be found at*hub/.

This policy will explain areas of our app or website that may affect your privacy and personal details, how we process, collect, manage and store those details, and how your rights.

For this policy, "Information" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual. This includes information relating to your use of (a) our mobile app ("Mobile App" the "Service"); (b) and any other dedicated websites which link to this policy ("Website"). When you use the app or you accept our rules and policies, which set out how we handle your information, and you understand we may collect, process, use and store your information as described in this policy. "Payment" refers to deposits made using tokens via your virtual wallet. If you do not agree with this policy, you must not use our app or website. If you change your mind in the future, you must stop using our app or website, and you may exercise your rights in relation to your information as set out in this policy.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to information that you may submit to thirdparty websites or mobile applications that may link to the Websites or be linked to on the Websites. We are not responsible for the actions or privacy practices of thirdparty websites and applications; please consult those websites and applications directly to understand their privacy practices.


We may collect and use the following information about you

Information you provide to us:

We receive and store the information provided to us or given to us in any other way, including your: name, mailing address, phone number, email address, picture, date of birth, payment information, registration information, social media, and messaging platform handle, optional biographic and demographic information, processional and licensure information, information for wallets you create or connect via our Websites, survey responses, and any other information that you voluntarily provide. This includes information that you share with us on third*party websites and platforms.

Information collected via our customer support channels, for example, when you contact us via email, you may provide us with (a) your full name and email and (b) any information you choose to provide to allow us to assist you. This information is not used or shared for any purpose other than to assist with your reason for contact.

Information you provide when using the app or website: You are only required to submit personal information should you choose to opt into marketing emails, such as newsletters and updates.

Information provided: It is the responsibility of you, the 'user,' to ensure your details are accurate and up to date and, where possible, to only provide such information as is necessary when you contact us.

Information we automatically collect or is generated about you when you register for newsletters or updates or connect to our app or website:

Identifiers, such as your name, email address, IP address, device and app ID, unique ID, location data, and device information (such as model, brand, and operating system).

Cookies: we use cookies and other similar technologies (e.g., web beacons, log files, and scripts) ("Cookies") to enhance your experience when using our services. Cookies are small files that, when placed on your device, enable us to provide certain features and functionality. You have the option to permit the installation of such Cookies or subsequently disable them. You may accept all cookies or instruct the device or web browser to provide notice at the time of installation of cookies or refuse to accept all cookies by adjusting the relevant cookie retention function in your device. However, in the event of your refusal to install cookies, the Game may be unable to operate as designed.

Information regarding your use of the website or app, such as the date and time stamps of events and interactions with our teams.

Locationbased data * Using an app: is collected within the app and can only be collected if you, the 'user,' have your location services activated. When the app is installed, it will ask for permission to allow the app to access your location service; you can accept or deny it. You can also go into your settings on your phone and disable this at any time. Website: When you visit our Websites or interact with our online services, we may receive information about your location and your device, including a unique identifier for your device. Location information allows us to provide locationbased services, such as advertising and other personalized content.

Our Websites may use "cookies" (please refer to our Cookies Policy) tagging and other tracking technologies to help enable us to enhance or personalize your online experience. This information includes computer and connection information such as statistics on your page views, traffic to and from our Websites, referral URL, ad data, your IP address, device identifiers, transaction history, and your web log information.

Information received from third parties:

Information we receive from thirdparty platforms when you register: If through the app, when you register through a thirdparty account (Apple or Google Play), we may receive your third*party ID.

Information from Social Media: When you interact with us or our Websites or on a social media platform, we may collect the personal information that you make available to us, including your account ID, username, and other information included in your posts. If you choose to log into your account with or through a social networking service, we and that service may share certain information about you and your activities. When you permit us, we may also collect information from your social media account on your behalf.

Analytics Information: We integrate certain analytic software, Google Analytics, a third*party analytics provider. They provide reports that help us optimize our features. This information may include user activity but is not identifiable information.

Information from mobile measurement partners: we receive information from third parties to allow us to track performance and detect fraud. This includes IP address, location, and in some circumstances, transaction information.

ThirdParty Terms and Policies. When connecting your virtual wallet to our app or website to log in, thirdparty terms or policies may apply. It remains the responsibility of the user to ensure you have read and agree to their terms.

We do not collect any Special Categories of Personal Data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data). Nor do we collect any information about criminal convictions and offenses.


We will only use your data (such as name, email address, or telephone number if provided to us) when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your data in the following circumstances:

  • Where do we need to perform the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you?

  • Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

  • Where we need to comply with a legal obligation.

  • Or where you have opted in to receive any marketing material

  • Certain purposes either 'constitute' legitimate interest or 'should be regarded as a legitimate interest. These are fraud prevention, network, and information security, and indicating possible criminal acts or threats to public security.

  • Some processing is necessary because it is in our or a third party's legitimate interests, such as those of visitors, members, or partners.

The Lawful Bases We Rely on and Our Legitimate Interests

We process your information on the following lawful bases and in furtherance of the following legitimate interests:

  • Provide you with the service. More, in particular, we will use the information to perform our contractual obligation towards you to allow you to connect to our services via your virtual wallet. The information we process when doing so may include a unique identifier that does not identify you personally.

  • Improve and monitor use. To improve our service for our customers. When doing so, we may collect information such as a unique identifier that will allow us to analyze information about your devices, such as the battery, Wi*Fi strength, device manufacturer, model, and operating system.

  • Support you and respond to your requests or complaints. If you reach out to us for support, we will use your information to respond to and resolve your queries and complaints and facilitate support. When doing so, we perform our contractual obligation towards you.

  • Conduct analytics. To analyze the interaction and to (a) create anonymized and aggregated data; (b) create segments of users who show particular characteristics or interests; and (c) conduct predictive analytics about your interests.

  • Provide you with advertising. We will present you with newsletters advertising updates, and/or offers. Where it is required, we will only do so where we have your consent. In situations where your consent is not required or where we provide contextual advertising, we do so based on our legitimate interests. If you no longer want to receive targeted advertising, please see our Cookie Policy which explains how you can opt*out and change your browser and device settings.

  • Prevent fraud, defend Metacade against legal claims or disputes, enforce our terms, and comply with our legal obligations. To detect fraud or any other user behavior which prejudices the integrity of our services, (2) take steps to remedy aforementioned fraud and behavior, (3) defend ourselves against legal claims or disputes, and (4) enforce our terms and policies. When doing so, we will process the information relevant in such a case, including the information you provide us, the information we automatically collect about you, and the information that is provided to us by third parties.


In many instances, you have choices about the information you provide and how you use that information.

Marketing Emails: By providing us with an email address, you acknowledge that we may use your email address to communicate with you. You can opt out of receiving promotional and other marketing emails from us by using the "unsubscribe" feature in our marketing emails.

Financial Incentives: We may run promotions from time to time and ask you to share personal information with us. We will always give you clear notice about these types of programs when you sign up, and participation is always voluntary. If you change your mind, you will be able to opt*out, and if you do not participate, you will still be able to use our services. To enter any such promotion, you will be asked to supply information about yourself, including personal data such as name, email address, or other information. This information is supplied by you voluntarily. If you do not wish to provide personal information, you should not use the promotion.


We share your information with selected third parties, including Vendors and service providers we rely on for the provision of the service, for example.

Cloud service providers rely on data storage, such as AWS (Amazon Web Server).

Advertising partners. We may include an ad*supported service. Subject to your settings, we provide certain information to advertisers who will use them to serve you with ads within the app or website, and we measure who sees and clicks on their ads. We also share advertising identifiers, along with the interests or other characteristics of a device or the person using it, to help partners decide whether to serve an ad to that device or to enable them to conduct marketing, brand analysis, personalized advertising, or similar activities.

Partner Exchanges: These processors are responsible for the processing of your information and may use your information for their own purposes in accordance with their privacy policies; please refer to their policies.

Law enforcement agencies, public authorities, or other judicial bodies and organizations. We disclose the information if we are legally required to do so or if we have a good faith belief that such use is reasonably necessary to comply with a legal obligation, process or request; enforce our terms of service and other agreements, policies, and standards, including investigation of any potential violation thereof; detect, prevent or otherwise address security, fraud or technical issues; or protect the rights, property or safety of us, our users, a third party or the public as required or permitted by law (including exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection).

Change of corporate ownership. If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, reorganization, partnership, asset sale, or other transaction, we may disclose your information as part of that transaction.

Third*Party Privacy Practices

If you access any service through a thirdparty platform such as Apple or Google ("Third Party Services"), you must understand that those Third Party Services may collect other information about you (including information you share with them directly or about your use of the app or website) in accordance with their terms and privacy policies. The privacy practices described in this policy do not apply to Third Party Services. Any links to Third Party Services do not imply that we endorse or have reviewed the ThirdParty Services.


Although we have security measures in place to maintain the privacy and integrity of your information, unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. We may also take extra steps to protect your information and minimize the information we process.


Your information will be processed by our employees and service providers, Apple, Google, AWS (Amazon Web Services), and Mailchimp. We take steps to ensure all transfers are protected by adequate safeguards. When you download the app via Google Play or Apple, you will need to read their Terms and Policies, which are independent of Metacade's Terms and Policies. We may share with Google, Apple, and AWS (Amazon Web Services) data we have collected from your device to track user experiences, such as app or website crashes. This information does not include identifiable or personal information.

It is unlikely, however, should we need to transfer your personal data out of the UK or Cayman Islands, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented:

We will only transfer your data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.


Your information, provided to us by you, will be stored for up to 6 years. When deleting information, we will take measures to make the information irrecoverable or irreproducible, and electronic files that contain information will be deleted permanently.


Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data. These rights include :

The right to request access to your personal data

The right to request correction of your personal data

The right to request the erasure of your personal data

The right to object to the processing of your personal data

The right to request the restriction of processing your personal data

The right to request the transfer of your personal data

The right to withdraw consent

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive, or excessive. Alternatively, we could refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances. We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month.

Occasionally it could take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made several requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated. If you are based in the EEA, Switzerland, or are a legal resident of California in the US, you have certain rights in relation to your information. For California residents, please refer to Addendum 1 – California Privacy Rights. For Brazilian residents, please refer to Addendum 2 – Brazil Privacy Rights. For EEA and Switzerland*based, you will find more information below on when and which rights can apply.

Access. You have the right to access information and to receive an explanation of how we use it and who we share it with. This right is not absolute. For example, we cannot reveal trade secrets or give you information about other individuals.

Erasure. You have the right to request the deletion of your information. We may need to retain some of your information where there are valid grounds for us to do so under data protection laws. For example, for the defense of legal claims, respect for freedom of expression, or where we have an overriding legitimate interest to do so, but we will let you know when this is the case. Note that where the information is held by a third*party data controller, such as an advertising partner or a payment processor, we will use reasonable steps to inform them of your request, but we recommend you contact them directly in accordance with their own privacy policies to ensure your personal data is erased.

Objection and withdrawal of consent: You have Objection and withdrawal of consent: You have the right to (i) withdraw your consent where you previously provided such consent; or (ii) object to our processing of your information where we process such information based on our legitimate interests (see How we use your personal information). You may exercise this right as follows:

  • To stop receiving marketing emails: please follow the unsubscribe mechanism at the bottom of each email communication.

  • To stop our cookies from being placed: please refer to our Cookie Policy.

  • To stop receiving push notifications: please change your device or browser settings.

Portability. You have the right to receive a copy of the information we process based on consent or contract in a structured, commonly used, and machine*readable format or to request that such information is transferred to a third party.

Correction. You have the right to correct any information held about you that is inaccurate.

Restriction. You have a right, in certain circumstances, to stop us from processing information other than for storage purposes.


The terms of this addendum apply to residents of California under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 and its implementing regulations, as amended or superseded from time to time ("CCPA"). For the purposes of this addendum, Personal information means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household or as otherwise defined by the CCPA. Personal information does not include information that is: lawfully made available from government records, de*identified or aggregated, or otherwise excluded from the scope of the CCPA.

Collection and Disclosure of Personal Information

Over 12 months, through your use of our app and/or website, we may collect and disclose the following categories of Personal information from or about you:

Identifiers, including name, email address, IP address, device identifiers, and the game user ID. This information is collected directly from you or your device. If you have registered through a thirdparty account (Apple or Google), we may have also collected from those thirdparty services your third*party ID.

Internet or other electronic network activity information, including your use of features. This information is collected from our selected third*party analytics providers and advertising partners.

Geolocation data. This information is collected directly from you or your device and from third*party services when you register through them.

Commercial information, including records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, your Apple ID number for Apple, your postcode, and your state for Google. This information is collected directly from you or your device and our payment processors.

We collect personal information for the following purposes:

  • To operate and administer the services;

  • To improve the services;

  • To communicate with you;

  • For security and verification purposes, including preventing and detecting fraudulent activity;

  • To address and remediate technical issues and bugs.

We may disclose personal information to the following types of entities:

  • Other companies that provide services on our behalf are prohibited by contract from retaining, using, or disclosing personal information for any purpose other than for providing the services to us;

  • Regulators, judicial authorities, and law enforcement agencies;

  • Entities that acquire all or substantially all of our business.


The terms of this addendum apply to residents of Brazil under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (Lei n° 13.709, de 14 de Agosto de 2018) and its implementing regulations, as amended or superseded from time to time ("LGPD"). For the purposes of this Addendum 2, Personal Information has the meaning as defined in the LGPD.

Categories of Personal Information collected and processed

To find out what categories of your Personal Information are collected and processed, see "Personal Information We Collect" [link] in the main portion of the Privacy Policy.

How We Use Your Personal Information

To find out how we process and use your Personal Information, including on what grounds, see "How We Use Your Personal Information" in the main portion of the Privacy Policy.

Your rights under the LGPD

The LGPD provides residents of Brazil with certain legal rights; these rights are not absolute and are subject to exemptions. In particular, you have the right to:

Ask whether we hold personal information about you and request copies of such personal information and information about how it is processed.

Restrict the processing of your personal information that is not being processed in compliance with the LGPD.

Obtain information on the possibility of refusing consent and the consequences of doing so.

Obtain information about the third parties with whom we share your personal information.

Obtain the deletion of your personal information being processed if the processing was based upon your consent, unless one or more exceptions provided for in Art. 16 of the LGPD apply.

Revoke your consent at any time.

Oppose a processing activity in cases where the processing is not carried out in compliance with the provisions of the law.

To exercise your rights, please email us at [email protected]

The subject should say, 'I have a data-related question connected to my account.'

Access. You have the right to access information and to receive an explanation of how we use it and who we share it with. This right is not absolute. For example, we cannot reveal trade secrets or give you information about other individuals.

Erasure. You have the right to request the deletion of your information. We may need to retain some of your information where there are valid grounds for us to do so under data protection laws. For example, for the defense of legal claims, respect freedom of expression, or where we have an overriding legitimate interest to do so, but we will let you know when this is the case.

Note that where the information is held by a third-party data controller, such as a payment processor, we will use reasonable steps to inform them of your request, but we recommend you contact them directly in accordance with their own privacy policies to ensure your personal data is erased.

Objection and withdrawal of consent. You have the right to (i) withdraw your consent where you previously provided such consent; or (ii) object to our processing of your information where we process such information based on our legitimate interests (see above under How we use your personal information). You may exercise this right as follows:

To stop receiving personalized advertising: please withdraw your consent in the in-app Settings. You can also find more information in our Cookie Policy.

To stop our cookies from being placed: please refer to our Cookie Policy.

Portability. You have the right to receive a copy of the information we process based on consent or contract in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format or to request that such information is transferred to a third party.

Correction. You have the right to correct any information held about you that is inaccurate.

Restriction. You have a right, in certain circumstances, to stop us from processing information other than for storage purposes.


Questions, comments, and requests regarding this policy. These should be addressed to [email protected].

You can also send a letter to the Data Protection Officer at Luxe Media LLC, 3301 Chetumal Street, Belize City, Belize. Registration IFSC/200LLC 1470/22)

If you wish to make a complaint about how we process your information, please contact us at [email protected], and we will endeavor to deal with your complaint as soon as possible. This is without prejudice to your right to launch a claim with a data protection authority.

We may need further information from them to verify you and will contact you to request further information if needed. We aim to respond to complaints within 30 days; however, this may be delayed if you have not provided us with all relevant information.


Any updates or changes to this policy will be published here.