Moon Boi Universe

Become a Tester

Moon Boi Universe is a 2.5D cyber-fantasy RPG. Inspired by classics like Pokémon and Final Fantasy, you can customise your character appearance, combat moves and soundtrack. This is achieved by defeating enemies, gaining xp and unlocking ‘power nodes’ by spending the in-game currency ‘fragments’. Each node represents a new move, power up or summon ability. We’ve even thrown in elemental attributes to mix things up!

As we move towards true metaverse interoperability Moon Boi Universe will focus on creating fun first gameplay, real world value for players and strategic collaborations with both new and established brands. We are creating the new gaming standard and welcome the new gamer personas created by combining web 2 structure and web3 utility.

Genres / features



PC Android

Languages Supported

  • Audio: English

  • Text: English

Not Rated

This blockchain game is not yet rated

In-game purchases

Join and complete this Alpha Testing for a chance to win a Metacade Arcade Machine!

PublisherMoon Boi Studios
Release Date2024-12-01
Platform, , , , ,